Easy access to the mountain!
Follow the ski track towards Finntelta. After 2 km you are at tree line. Choose your own trail from here. If you like, you can go a bit upwards and the glide with easyness to the southern side of the mountain and take a break at the shed at Rodalene. Before you head back towards Johnsgård.

Follow the skitrack over the lake and to Åsvollen. From here take the left track towards the mountain. When you get in the mountainside there is an unlimited possibilities on where to go next.
If you want a long day in the mountain, we reccomend heading north towards Kinnbua (see next tip)

Day tour. Start of as you do on the tour to Kvennvikhøgda, but head north when you get in the mountainside. Go on the downside of the mountain of Blåkletten. Between Blåkletten and the mountain Sålekinna you will find a small cabin named Kinnbua. This is an open cabin which is a great place to take a break or even a sleepover.