

The lavvu is situated at Langodden bay about 600 meters north of the campsite.

It is an easy trail suitable for all ages and also wheelchair. Take the road northbound from between cabin 12 and 13. 

The lavvu is also suitable for wheelchairs. And so is the small toilet about 150 meters from the lavvu.  



Follow the main road south for about 2 km, untill you reach the Langsjøen farm.

After the farm with the green house, take the tractor road between the fields. After you pass a cabin take a left turn and follow the red marks for two km to the small hill Langsjøåsen.

We recommend this as a morning tour in the fall or in the late winter (it is also skitracks to this lavvu). Or take the hike up and stay for the night. To see the sunrise from here is an amazing experience!