3km to Jotsetra
7,5km around to Johnsgård
The road up to the old outfarm Jotsetra is very nice for biking. It is good for most types of bikes.
If you like you can keep on towards Langsjøsetra and take the whole round, but this is a more technical tour with some rocks and wetlands.

8 km
Take the bike down the road to the sawmill. From there, you can take the toll road towards an old outfarm under the mountain. This is an easy tour for most bikes.

Tour to Buvika Pier
Take a ride to the pier in Buvika to see the 100 year old ship Femund 2. It arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in July at 12.50 pm.
If you want a daytrip, you can buy tickets for the ferry and join it to Jonasvollen. From Jonasvollen you have 30 km back to Johnsgård. It is also possible to take this tour the opposite way.