Outfarm-round 8km
From Johnsgård to Jotsetra it is 2 tracks; by the mountainside or the summer road. The mountain road is 820 m.a.s.l. at it highest point. The summer road is in the forrest and a good choice on windy days.

5 km-round
Follow the “highway” for 1 km, and then take right towards Jotsetra. This part is mostly uphill. After 2 km take right again, and follow the track downhill back towards Johnsgård.

Around Gloføken 17 km
Start at Johnsgård. Follow the “highway” and the mountainside up for 5 km. You arrive at the highest point at 1200 m.a.s.l. From there, it is downhill around the mountain, untill you get to a small shed on the southern side of the mountain. From the shed you have 2 choices; you can go stright down towards Sømådalen and follow the track from there back to Johnsgård (this will give you a total of 22 km!), or you can follow the mountainside towards Johnsgård again.

The square 9 km
Take the “highway” up to the point called Finntelta. From there, take the track along the mountainside/forest. After 3 km, take a left turn and get some good downhill rides down towards Johnsgård again. The last 15 km is in flat terrain.

The sixth 6km
This is the most popular tour of the short routes and is a small version of “the Square”. Follow the highway for 1 km before you take a left turn. After this you will have 2 km in the forest with some sweet and short ups and downs. After a while you end up on the same tracks as “the Square”, and you get a good downhill run for 1 km before you head back towards Johnsgård.
It i also possible to take a small detour up to the lavvo at Langsjøåsen.

Eastside of Langsjøen:
3 different trails but the same start: Over the lake Langsjøen. After 1 km, take left towards Åsvollen (you need to cross the road to get there). After 4 km you can choose between 2 routes:
Follow the track to the right on a roundtrip in flat and easy terrain.
Most of this route follow the same track as 13-km, except; you get a small detour up in the mountainside. Keep right, as on the 13-km. At the small outfarm, take left towards the mountain. It is uphill for about 1 km before you go downward to the 13-km track again.
When you reach Åsvollen, take the left track towards the mountain. You reach the highest point after about 4 km and get a stunning view. After this you get some steep downhills. If you are not to experienced with downhill skiing, we recommmend to take this tour in the opposite direction.